Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Built areas and systems 267

agriculture (sometimes combined with forest) surrounds the area (Figure10.1)
(Forman 2004a). Highways pass by and/or enter the town. That generalized pat-
ternprovides nearby employment and is convenient for residents.
The Greater Barcelona Region contains numerous towns and small cities,
so solutions at this scale (some introduced earlier) for people and nature have
alargecumulative effect: (1) the green net around nearby growing towns is
composed of relatively narrow vegetation, farmland, and/or parkland strips;
(2) compact, rather than dispersed, growth within the area of a municipality
protects natural systems, agriculture and cultural resources, and helps create a
sense of community; (3) a ribbon connecting large emeralds contains a walking
path accessible to local residents; (4) a green corridor may have a pearl as a
small patch of vegetation next to which a people park could be created for the
municipality; (5) linear parks along the edge of towns would enhance adjacent
neighborhoods by providing shaded walkways and benches, playgrounds, and
small areas for active sports (Figure10.1); (6) convenient walkability, bikability,
and public transportation will help reduce traffic congestion and effects;
(7) separation of human sewage pipes from stormwater drainage pipes in all
future development provides many local water-quality benefits; (8) stormwater
drainage pipes and other opportunities exist to create tiny or small wetlands in
amunicipality to greatly benefit wildlife and nature appreciation for residents.

The Llobregat and us
The Llobregat River is the great river of history and of the Greater
Barcelona Region. Today one of the impressive cities of the world lies next to
the river valley, and almost all travelers in and out cross it. Yet the river and its
floodplain lie nearly invisible to travelers and residents alike.
Imagine creating a world-classgreat parkthat brings the river valley alive for
all to see and enjoy right next to the impressive city. (Color Figure44;Forman
2004a). Attractive overpasses passing over transportation corridors to a glorious
magnet on the floodplain overlooking the river, with its cleaner and greater flow-
ing water. Promenades, picnic areas, ball fields, children’s playgrounds, nature
cafs. Family-food gardens, small-market farms, community-group gardens. Wet-
lands, biodiversity, abundant visible birds, migration stops. Highlights of history,
culture, and heritage. Loop roads, bike routes, jogging and walking trails. Water
features, reflection ponds, high points, stunning inspirational views. Everything
in the park designed to let the occasional big floodwater pass by. With such
avision, the surrounding area could expect an economic boon. Real-estate
value would skyrocket in places. Most family food-gardens and market-gardening

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