Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Appendix I

Mapping procedure for satellite images

Five steps comprise the mapping procedure for satellite images of the 38 urban regions
analyzed (Chapter 5).
(1) Locate data. Using an Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plan sensor, click on Map Search,
toggle on ‘‘ETM+”, and enter the Place (e.g., Cairo, Egypt).
(2) Download color band. After locating the area of interest, click on ‘‘Preview and
(3) Select images. In the options for downloading, focus on ETM+data and individually
select an image based on its unique identifier (quadrangle), XXX--XXX.
(4) Download bands. Using the download interface, which is similar to a file transfer
protocol (FTP) interface, download band 1, band 2 and band 3.
(5) Activate ArcView import. ArcView moves the work forward by extracting the winzip
(compressed file), importing the geotif (geographically referenced image), activating
the Arc Tool ‘‘Composite Bands”, and scaling the map to the spatial scale of interest.

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