Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

not be a stationary point) on another. Thus fluoro- and difluorodiazomethane are HF
minima but are MP2/6–31G transition states [ 91 ]; an attempt to approximate
the MP2/6–31G
reaction energy for, say, CHFN 2 !CHF + N 2 , using single-
point MP2/6–31G energies on HF geometries, is misguided if CHFN 2 is a transi-
tion state on the MP2 PES. Nevertheless, because HF optimizations followed by
single-point correlated (MP2 or higher-level) energy calculations are much faster
(“cheaper”) than correlated optimizations, and do usually give improved relative
energies, the method is widely used for large molecules. Figure5.21compares
some MP2 single-point, MP2-optimized, and HF energies; the biggest MP2 single-
point/MP2 optimized difference is 6.9 kJ mol#^1 (HCN reaction energy). The
limited salient experimental information on these reactions, and reaction energies
at 298 K calculated by the accurate G3(MP2) method, is also given [ 92 ]. The
relative energies in Fig.5.21are 0 K enthalpy differences (with raw energy
corrected for ZPE), for uniformity and simplicity, but usually experimental barriers
are given as Arrhenius activation energiesEa, which are simply related to enthalpies
of activationDH{(Eq.5.175), and the extent of a reaction is quantified as an
equilibrium constant which is related (Eq.5.183) to a Gibbs free energy difference
DGreact(Section Free energies of activationDG{can be used to calculate
rate constants (Section and enthalpies of reactionDHreactare often used
(not theoretically rigorously) as an indication of the extent and even the ease of a
reaction. To give a feel for the quantitative difference in the values of the relative
0 K energies and these five other energy quantities, the calculated values are given
below for the four reactions of Fig.5.21. The 0 K energies are ZPE-corrected MP2/
energies relative to that of the reactant, and the other energies are at 298 K
(standard room temperature) and are also from MP2/6–31G* calculations and
employ standard ideal-gas statistical thermodynamics algorithms; energy units
are kJ mol#^1.
Ethenol to ethanal
Transition state 0 K relative E¼ 233 Product 0 K relative E¼#71.7


Transition state 0 K relative E¼ 140 Product 0 K relative E¼#87.2


5.4 Post-Hartree–Fock Calculations: Electron Correlation 267

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