Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

AM1 and PM3 perform similarly and usually give quite good geometries, but less
satisfactory heats of formation and relative energies. A modification of AM1 called
SAM1 (semi-ab initio method 1), relatively little-used, is said to be an improvement
over AM1. AM1 and SAM1 represent work by the group of M. J. S. Dewar. PM3 is
a version of AM1, by J. J. P. Stewart, differing mainly in a more automatic approach
to parameterization. Recent extensions of AM1 (RM1) and PM3 (PM6) seem to
represent substantial improvements and are likely to be the standard general-
purpose semiempirical methods in the near future.


  1. (a) Weinberg S (1992) Dreams of a final theory: the search for the fundamental laws of
    nature. Pantheon Books, New York (b) Watson A (2000) Measuring the physical constants.
    Science 287:1391

  2. Hartree DR (1928) Proc Cambridge Phil Soc 24:89, 111, 426

  3. Bolcer JD, Hermann RB (1994) The development of computational chemistry in the United
    States. In: Lipkowitz KB, Boyd DB (eds.) Reviews in computational chemistry, vol 5. VCH,
    New York, Chapter 1

  4. Ref 3, p 12

  5. Dewar MJS (1969) The molecular orbital theory of organic chemistry. McGraw-Hill, New
    York, p 73

  6. Chapter 5 of this book, reference [329]

  7. Dewar MJS (1969) The molecular orbital theory of organic chemistry. McGraw-Hill, New
    York, Chapter 3

  8. Levine IN (2000) Quantum chemistry, 5th edn. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ,
    Chapter 16

  9. Thiel W (1996). In: Prigogine I, Rice SA (eds) Adv Chem Phys, vol XCIII. Wiley, New York

  10. Pople JA, Beveridge DL (1970) Approximate molecular orbital theory. McGraw-Hill, New York

  11. Clark T (2000) J Mol Struct (Theochem) 530:1

  12. Pariser R, Parr RG (1953) J Chem Phys 21:466, 767.

  13. Pople JA (1953) Trans Faraday Soc 49:1475

  14. (a) Chemie in unserer Zeit (1993) 12:21–31; (b) Griffiths J (1986) Chemistry in Britain

  15. Pople JA, Segal GA (1966) J Chem Phys 44:3289, and refs. therein

  16. Coffey P (1974) Int J Quantum Chem 8:263

  17. Ref. 7, pp 90–91

  18. Ref. 10, p 76

  19. (a) Pople JA, Beveridge DL, Dobosh PA (1967) J Chem Phys 47:2026; (b) Dixon RN (1967)
    Mol Phys 12:83

  20. INDO/S: Kotzian M, R€osch N, Zerner MC (1992) Theor Chim Acta 81:201 (b) ZINDO/S is a
    version of INDO/S with some modifications, plus the ability to handle transition metals. The
    Z comes from the name of the late Professor Michael C. Zerner, whose group developed the
    suite of (mostly semiempirical) programs called ZINDO, which includes ZINDO/S. ZINDO
    is available from, e.g., Molecular Simulations Inc., San Diego, CA, and CAChe Scientific,
    Beaverton, OR. INDO and ZINDO are available in some program suites, e.g. Gaussian [55]

  21. Pople JA, Santry DP, Segal GA (1965) J Chem Phys 43(10; Pt. 2):S 129; Pople JA, Segal GA
    (1965) J Chem Phys 43(10; Pt. 2):S 136, discussion, S 150; Pople JA, Segal GA (1966)
    J Chem Phys 44:3289

  22. Boyd DB (1995). In: Lipkowitz KB, Boyd DB (eds) Reviews in computational chemistry,
    vol 6. VCH, New York, Chapter 5

438 6 Semiempirical Calculations

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