Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Cotton FA, Wilkinson G, Gaus PL (1995) Basic inorganic chemistry, 3rd edn. Wiley,
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  4. Laszlo P, Hoffmann R (2000) Angew Chem Int Ed 39:123

  5. Comba P, Hambley TW, Martin B (2009) Molecular modelling of inorganic compounds, 3rd
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  7. Harvey JN (2009) Abstracts of Papers, 237th ACS National meeting, Salt Lake City, UT,
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  8. Frenking G (1997) J Chem Soc Dalton Trans 1653

  9. Zhao Y, Truhlar DG (2007) Acc Chem Res 41:157

  10. Tekarli S, Drummond L, Williams TG, Cundari TR, Wilson AK (2009) J Phys Chem A

  11. E.g. and references therein: (a) Cankurtaran BO, Gale JD, Ford MJ (2008) J Phys Condensed
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  15. Liu Q, Hoffmann R (1995) J Am Chem Soc 117:10108

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  18. Cooney KD, Cundari TR, Hoffman NW, Pittard KA, Temple MD, Zhao Y (2003) J Am
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  20. Goh S-K, Marynick DS (2001) J Comp Chem 22:1881

  21. Bosque R, Maseras F (2000) J Comp Chem 21:562

  22. McNamara JP, Sundararajan M, Hillier IH (2005) J Mol Graphics Modell 24:128

Added in press:

  1. Explicit and implicit solvation, benzylic organolithiums. Deora N, Carlier PR, J Org Chem,
    (2010), 75:1061

  2. Molecules on a solvent surface (interface),insolution versus “on” solution. Thomas LL,
    Tirado-Rives J, Jorgenson WL, J Am Chem Soc, (2010), 132:3097

  3. (a) pKa prediction: Methodology based on comparing calculated deprotonation energies with
    experiment for a training set of 34 molecules. Zhang S, Baker J, Pulay P, J Phys Chem A,
    (2010), 114:425. (b) pKa prediction: Application of (a) to organic acids. Zhang S, Baker J,
    Pulay P, J Phys Chem A, (2010), 114:432

  4. Book: Solomon EI, Scott RA, King RB (2009) Computational inorganic and bioinorganic
    chemistry. Wiley, Chichester. Review of book: Cundari TR, J Am Chem Soc, (2010),

  5. Detailed discussion of electronic structures of the transition elements. Schwarz WHE, J
    Chem Educ, (2010), 87:444

  6. Review of computational organometallic and transition metal chemistry. Lin Z, Acc Chem
    Res, (2010), 43:602

  7. Quantum simulation of the Dirac equation using a trapped ion throws light on some peculiar
    effects. Gerritsma R, Kirchmair G, Z€ahringer F, Solano E, Blatt R, Roos CF, Nature, (2010),

  8. (a) Calculations on actinides, handling correlation, relativity, solvation, spinorbit coupling;
    various functionals. Schreckenbach G, Shamov GA, Acc Chem Res, (2010), 43:19.

References 557

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