of different color waterbed sheets. These sheets can be split in two, and the
built-in corner pockets allow them to drape easily over a background stand.
Studio Session.
The actual session should be private. You and your client should have
plenty of time in the camera room with no distractions. I like to work with
my clients one on one, but I do recommend that male photographers have
a female assistant in the camera room at all times. I also use an assistant on
occasion if I’m pressed for time or if I’m training one of my photogra-
phers. In each case, ask your client what she wants and what would make
her the most comfortable. I learned a long time ago to keep spouses and
friends out of the camera room. Spouses or boyfriends are distracting and
tend to limit your creativity. Your client may be less willing to try certain
Above—This beautiful, inexpensive drape was purchased through dynamic designs, and we stock this material in several col-
ors. It is beautiful when used as a drape or backdrop.Facing page—We keep several colors of ostrich feathers in stock.