1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

http://www.ck12.org Chapter 7. Chemical Nomenclature

7.3 Acids and Bases

Lesson Objectives

  • Define and give examples for the following terms: acid, base, binary acid, oxoacid.

  • Determine the name of an inorganic acid or base when given the formula.

  • Determine the formula of an inorganic acid or base when given its name.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • acid: Any compound that produces hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water.

  • binary acid: Acids in which one or more acidic hydrogen atoms are bound directly to a single atom.

  • oxoacid: A strong acid produced by combining oxoanions with one or more hydrogen ions.

  • base: A compound that produces the hydroxide (OH-) ion when dissolved in water.

Check Your Understanding

  1. Name the following compounds:

a. NaNO 3
b. BF 3
c. FeSO 3

  1. Are the following compounds molecular or ionic?
    a. H 2 O
    b. CH 4
    c. BaSO 4


In this chapter, we first looked at the naming conventions for ionic compounds, which exist as extended networks of
cations and anions. For most of the compounds that we considered, the cation was a monatomic metal (e.g., Na+,
Mg^2 +, Fe^3 +), and the anion was a monatomic nonmetal (e.g., Cl−, O^2 −, N^3 −) or a polyatomic ion, which often
contains multiple oxygen atoms (e.g., SO 42 −). We then looked at molecular compounds, in which atoms are held
together into individual molecules by covalent bonds. Now we are going to consider acids and bases, which share
characteristics with both ionic and molecular compounds.

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