Chapter 11. Chemical Reactions
Lesson Review Questions
- Early Chinese alchemists discovered an early form of gunpowder. What was the composition of this sub-
stance? - What later developments were made to the gunpowder recipe that improved its pyrotechnic properties?
- Make an argument for why the burning of a candle is consistent with the law of conservation of matter/mass.
- Think of an experiment that you could conduct to demonstrate that mass is conserved for a given chemical
change. - Balance the following chemical equations:
a. C+O 2 →CO
b. CO+O 2 →CO 2
c. H 2 +Br 2 →HBr
d. K+H 2 O→KOH+H 2
e. O 3 →O 2
f. N 2 +H 2 →NH 3
g. Zn+AgCl→ZnCl 2 +Ag
h. Cl 2 +NaI→NaCl+I 2
i. P 4 O 10 +H 2 O→H 3 PO 4
j. Be 2 C+H 2 O→Be(OH) 2 +CH 4
k. S+HNO 3 →H 2 SO 4 +NO 2 +H 2 O
l. NH 3 +CuO→Cu+N 2 +H 2 O
m. HCl+CaCO 3 →CaCl 2 +H 2 O+CO 2
Further Reading / Supplemental Links
- Youtube Video of Kaboom! The Sizzling Story of Explosions:
2EKY80 - Gunpowder in Ancient China:
- Practice Balancing Chemical Equations:
- Chemical Equation Balances:
Points to Consider
- What is the relationship between chemical equations and chemical reactions?
- In this chapter, an argument was made that the human fascination with fire and explosions ultimately con-
tributed to our current understanding of chemical equations. Can you think of other aspects of nature for
which further exploration has contributed to our current understanding of chemistry?