1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

http://www.ck12.org Chapter 12. Stoichiometry

(d) If 0.96 g of water are actually produced, what is the percent yield for this process?

  1. Gaseous nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia via the Haber process, which is represented by the
    following chemical equation: N 2 (g)+ 3H 2 (g)→2NH 3 (g)
    (a) If you react 25.0 grams of hydrogen gas in the presence of excess nitrogen gas, how many grams of
    ammonia should be produced?
    (b) If you produced 140. grams of ammonia, what is the percent yield?

  2. Look back to Example 12.8. If you changed the recipe to 2 slices of cheese per sandwich, what would be the
    limiting reactant and excess reactant given the same reactant amounts as in the example?

  3. Magnesium reacts with nitrogen in the air to form magnesium nitride.
    (a) Write and balance the chemical equation.
    (b) What is the limiting reactant if 4.00 g of Mg are mixed with 8.00 g of nitrogen?
    (c) What is the theoretical yield of magnesium nitride in grams?

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

Points to Consider

  1. What are some factors that control whether or not the actual yield of a chemical reaction is 100%? What
    would it mean for a reaction yield to be less than 100%? More than 100%?

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