1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

http://www.ck12.org Chapter 16. Solutions


Illustration of pressure effects on gas sol-

If we solve the Henry’s Law equation for the molar solubility, we get the following useful relationship:


Example 16.7

What are the molar solubilities of oxygen gas and nitrogen gas in pure water at 298 K and 1 atm of pressure? Which
gas is more soluble under these conditions?

O 2


1 atm
756 .7 atm·mol−^1 L
= 0 .00132 mol/L
= 1 .32 mM

N 2


1 atm
1600 .atm·mol−^1 L
= 0 .000625 mol/L
= 0 .625 mM

Oxygen gas is more soluble under these conditions. A saturated solution of O 2 would have a concentration of 1.32
mM, whereas a saturated solution of N 2 would have a concentration of 0.625 mM.

Lesson Summary

  • Solubility describes the degree to which a solute will dissolve in a particular solvent.

  • Water is a common solvent for dissolving various solids, liquids, and gases.

  • The solubilities of solids and liquids are commonly expressed as grams of solute that can be dissolved by 100
    g of water at a specified temperature.

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