1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

20.3. Free Energy and Equilibrium http://www.ck12.org


Lesson Summary

  • The reaction quotient can be compared to the equilibrium constant to determine which direction a reaction
    will shift in order to reach equilibrium.

  • Gibbs free energy values can be used to determine equilibrium constants.

  • Equilibrium constants can be used to calculate changes in Gibbs free energy.

  • Equilibrium constants and Gibbs free energy values allow us to predict the extent to which reactants or
    products will be favored once a reaction reaches equilibrium.

Lesson Review Questions

  1. What is the difference between the equilibrium constant and the reaction quotient?

  2. In which direction will the reaction proceed based on the three following conditions?
    a. Q>Keq
    b. Q<Keq
    c. Q=Keq

  3. What conditions does the notation∆G° imply? Explain the difference between∆G° and∆G.

  4. Define each value in the equation that relates∆G° and∆G.

  5. How can∆G° or Keqbe used to tell whether reactants or products are favored at equilibrium?

  6. Calculate∆G° for the process 2H 2 O(l)H 3 O+(aq) + OH−(aq) if the equilibrium constant at 25°C is
    1 × 10 −^14.

  7. Calculate∆G° and Keqfor the following reaction at 25°C: 2H 2 O(g)2H 2 (g) + O 2 (g)

  8. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 25°C: 2O 3 (g)3O 2 (g)

  9. Calculate∆G° for the ionization of acetic acid (CH 3 CO 2 H). The equilibrium constant for the following
    reaction is 1.8× 10 −^5 :

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