1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1


(^24) Nuclear Chemistry
Chapter Outline

24.1 Nuclear Radiation

24.2 Half-Lives

24.3 Fission and Fusion

24.4 Applications of Radioactivity


Cherenkov radiation is produced when charged particles move through water faster than the speed at which light
travels through water. Water molecules are excited by this process, and when the excited molecules return to their
ground state, they release photons that produce the blue light seen in the figure above. One of the places where this
type of situation commonly occurs is inside nuclear reactors. Water is used to cool the rods containing radioactive
material in nuclear reactors, which use emissions from radioisotopes to produce heat that can drive a turbine and
generate electricity.

Nuclear power plants are used in many countries around the world. As of 2013, there are 434 operational nuclear
plants around the world, over 100 of which are found in the U.S. In 2012, nuclear power accounted for 19% of
the total U.S. production of electricity. Radioactivity is poorly understood by the general public. Images of nuclear
bombs and runaway power plant incidents are of great concern to many. However, there are many useful applications,
including medical imaging and treatment using radioisotopes. In this chapter, we will explore basic ideas about
radioactivity and see how we can use this phenomenon for constructive purposes.
U nited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cerenkov_E f f ect.j pg.Public Domain.

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