1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

http://www.ck12.org Chapter 25. Organic Chemistry

FIGURE 25.21

Lesson Summary

  • Functional groups retain similar chemical properties in a variety of compounds. Functional groups help to
    distinguish organic molecules from one another.

  • Alcohols consist of an -OH group and commonly appear in the form of ethanol (in alcoholic beverages) and
    methanol (used in plastic and paint ingredients).

  • Ethers are composed of an oxygen atom that forms single bonds with two carbon atoms. Ethers are relatively
    unreactive making them good solvents for other organic compounds, such as in the formation of anesthetics.

  • Amines are composed of a nitrogen atom bonded to some combination of carbons and hydrogens. Amines are
    weak bases commonly used in pharmaceuticals.

  • Carbonyl is composed of a carbon atom double bonded with an oxygen atom, and is a common structural
    component of many other organic molecules. The reactivity of carbonyl derivatives is largely due to the
    polarity of the carbon-oxygen double bond.

  • Aldehydes are commonly composed of a carbon bonded to one carbon atom and one hydrogen atom. Alde-
    hydes are particularly reactive due to their high polarity, and are commonly associated with strong smells and

  • Ketones are carbonyls in which the carbon atom makes single bonds with two other carbon atoms. Ketones
    are less reactive than aldehydes and are a common component in nail polish removers and paint strippers.

  • Carboxylic acid is a carbonyl in which in which the carbon atom is bonded to an OH group on one side and
    either a carbon or hydrogen atom on the other. Carboxylic acids are weak acids, for example, vinegar.

  • Esters are similar to carboxylic acids but contain a second oxygen rather than the acidic hydrogen that is in a
    carboxylic acid. Esters create the pleasant aroma associated with many fruits and flowers.

  • Amides are carbonyls attached to one nitrogen atom and one carbon or hydrogen atom. Amides are used in
    materials such as crayons and inks, as well as in paper rubber products.

Lesson Review Questions

  1. Draw structures for the following functional groups:

a. ether
b. ester
c. ketone
d. alkene

  1. Name the following functional groups (in color):

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