1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

3.2. Unit Conversions, Error, and Uncertainty http://www.ck12.org

  • Density is typically reported in terms of grams/mL (g/mL) or grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3 ).

  • If a solid is irregularly shaped, we can determine its volume by measuring the volume of water that the solid

  • There are three temperature scales that are commonly used. Their units are °F (degrees Fahrenheit), °C
    (degrees Celsius), and K (Kelvin).

Lesson Review Questions

Make an estimate of the length that is shown inFigure3.9 and use this information to answer the following questions.


  1. If the length inFigure3.9 were estimated to be 11.65 cm±0.05, what would be the range of values that fall
    within the acceptable uncertainty for this instrument?

  2. Which of the following length estimates would be accurate forFigure3.9?
    (a) 11.59
    (b) 11.71
    (c) 11.64
    (d) 12

  3. Which of the following length estimates would be precise for theFigure3.9?
    (a) 11.64, 11.65, 11.65
    (b) 11.60. 11.56, 11.45
    (c) 10.9, 12.2, 12
    (d) 11, 11.23, 11.234

  4. A student measures the density of gold and finds it to be 18.3 g/mL. The accepted value from the Handbook
    of Chemistry and Physics is 19.3 g/mL (Lide 1992-1993). What is the percent error of the student’s results?

  5. How would you report 40.889 m^3 to three significant figures using scientific notation?

  6. Complete theTable3.7.


°F °C K
A 57
B 37
C -40

  1. What is the average mass of three objects whose individual masses are 10.3 g, 9.334 g, and 9.25 g?

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