Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations

(avery) #1

possibilities; on the other, they set limits to these possibilities,
and are not suitable for all purposes. They do not predeter-
mine use according to specific standards, but endow it with a
specific spatial character.
Literature: Alexander et al. 1977; Führ 2002

> ceiling, hall, roof
> gaze, landscape, movement, route, urban design
> body (human), form character, directedness, gaze, heaviness
and lightness, postures, staircase, symmetry, tectonics, tower
> courtyard, intermediate space, inversion, square and street
> gaze, sensory perception
> axis, depth, dramaturgy, garden

Besides providing illumination, the architectural significance
of > windows and some other openings is their provision of
views into an outside of a building, their function as double-
sided visual trajectories for overcoming spatial division. Un-
derlying the act of looking into and out of a building is not
only the opposition between interior and exterior, closedness
and openness, but in particular the opposition between the
two directions: into and out of. Each of these, in turn, is itself
experienced as ambivalent. A view into a building or interior
room indulges our curiosity, is stimulated by the thrill of fan-
tasy, but also contains a moment of intrusiveness, of threat or
In directing the gaze towards the outside, we take part
actively in the external surroundings, perhaps, emerging only
tentatively from our protective container, risking a cautious
glance. Corresponding to this are the opposed attitudes of
those who gaze and those who are exposed to the gaze.
A view into the interior of a residence through an > open-
ing that breaks open the separation and the protection of the
private realm pierces a barrier and risks damaging the inti-


View axis

Views into/out of

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