Green Chemistry and the Ten Commandments

(Dana P.) #1

  1. What are colloidal particles?

  2. Name 3 important heavy metal water pollutants and one metalloid.

  3. What is an organometallic compound?

  4. Cite an example in which bacteria act to produce toxic water pollutant species
    containing a heavy metal.

  5. What is an inorganic water pollutant that is involved with metal extraction?

  6. What is a health condition caused by nitrite ion? Under what circumstances may
    nitrate ion cause the same problem?

  7. Name a mineral source and an atmospheric source of strong acid in water.

  8. Are inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium toxic to organisms in water? If
    not, why are they regarded as water pollutants?

  9. Explain why both highly degradable organic compounds and ones that are not
    degraded well at all are undesirable water pollutants.

  10. Aside from obvious esthetic problems, why is sewage a pollutant that requires

  11. What change in the chemical structure of the surfactants in sewage made them much
    more environmentally friendly?

  12. What are 5 different classes of pesticides?

  13. What is the least biodegradable class of insecticides? What do these kinds of
    insecticides do in the environment?

  14. What was a major advantage of organophosphate insecticides? What was a
    disadvantage of some of them, such as parathion?

  15. What is an important characteristic of the mode of action of carbofuran?

  16. Name three insecticides derived from plants. Why would plants make insecticides?

  17. What is the connection between herbicidal glyphosate and modern genetically
    modified plants?

  18. What purpose is served by dioxin? How has it become an environmental problem?

  19. What are PCBs? What is a major case of water pollution by PCBs in the United

  20. What do radioactive materials produce and how is it harmful?

  21. Why are^90 Sr,^137 Cs,^131 I particularly dangerous to animals.

  22. What was the last big uncontrolled release of radioactivity to the environment?

192 Green Chemistry, 2nd ed

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