Future of Dentistry Full Report

(Grace) #1


The future of oral health care and product devel-
opment will require a closer relationship among engi-
neering, materials sciences, biology and genetics. This
is witnessed by the development of guided tissue
regeneration and the emergence of oral-based diag-
nostic tests, among others. To foster the necessary
research and the ultimate adoption of research find-
ings, a closer relationship is needed between science
and clinical disciplines that could address the unique
aspects of oral diseases and conditions. In addition,
the profession must be prepared to understand the
emerging science disciplines and to apply new diag-
nostic and therapeutic approaches effectively and
appropriately to patient care and community health.

Research Recommendation-7:The scope of clinical
research should be expanded to incorporate tissue
engineering and biomimetic approaches.


Dental Caries

Dental caries, although a preventable disease, con-
tinues to be a highly prevalent disease. Caries is declin-
ing overall but remains a problem for millions of citi-
zens. New thinking is needed in the community and
public health dental sectors to address the major caries
problems that occur in underserved populations.

Research Recommendation-8: Health promotion
activities should be undertaken to educate the pub-
lic of the continued presence of dental caries and the
need to engage in preventive and diagnostic regi-
mens to assure optimum oral health.

Links Between Oral and Systemic Disease

The mouth has been called the mirror of the body,
reflecting signs and symptoms of health and disease.
Recent research reveals findings that relate oral infec-
tions to systemic conditions. Specifically, emerging evi-
dence indicates that chronic oral infections such as
periodontal diseases may contribute to the risk for pre-
term birth, diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Research Recommendation-9: If it is demonstrated
that oral infections are related to one or more systemic
diseases, coalitions within the health professions should
encourage national and international clinical trials to
establish optimal dental treatment protocols.

Research Recommendation-10: If clinical trials
confirm the existence of links between oral and sys-
temic diseases, health promotion activities will need
to be targeted to high-risk groups.

Oral Cancer

In 2000, an estimated 30,200 Americans devel-
oped oral and pharyngeal cancers and 7,800 died
from these cancers. Tongue cancer incidence and
mortality are increasing, especially among young
White males. Oral cancer in young adults appears to
be associated with the risk factor of tobacco smoking,
drinking alcohol and low consumption of fruits and
vegetables. In addition, the incidence and mortality
from various oral cancers are related to ethnicity and
gender. African American males have a 20% higher
incidence rate of oral and pharyngeal cancers than
White males and their mortality rate is twice as high.

Research Recommendation-11:The research com-
munity should establish as a priority goal the iden-
tification of patients at risk for oral cancers.


There are insufficient numbers of appropriately
trained individuals in dental research to conduct the
planned agenda. This is especially true in clinical
research, on which there is less emphasis in federal
training programs. The allure of lucrative private prac-
tice seems to draw students away from considering
these career avenues. Loan forgiveness at the national,
state or dental school level in exchange for teaching
may help students to enter careers in research. The pro-
fession should monitor the need for researchers and the
number of training positions necessary in order to
assure that adequate numbers of qualified researchers
are available. Without an adequate research workforce,
the opportunities for advancement in scientific knowl-
edge will be severely diminished.

Research Recommendation-12: The dental profes-
sion should educate legislators about the need for
economic support for individuals who wish to fol-
low a career track into research.

Research Recommendation-13:Professional organ-
izations should develop mechanisms to provide
financial support for research projects and/or training
for dental school faculty in their fields of interest.

Vision and Recommendations
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