Future of Dentistry Full Report

(Grace) #1

Clinical Dental Practice

and Management



The goal of the dental profession is to maximize the oral health of all individuals. Achievement of this
goal will require the combined efforts of dental education, dental research, dental practice, industry, gov-
ernment, and the public.
For purposes of this discussion, clinical practice includes, but is not limited to, those oral health services
provided by dentists in the dental office and those community-based programs such as community water
fluoridation, oral cancer screening and sealant programs.
Clinical care is influenced by the demographics of the population, patterns of dental disease, and the
expectations of both patients and providers. Demographically, the United States population is growing
older, and more ethnically and culturally diverse. There is increased recognition of the impact of the role of
race, culture, beliefs and behavior on health outcomes. This growing awareness may lead to a paradigm shift
from a medical model of oral health care based on disease to a health model based on health promotion.
Changes underway in the clinical practice of dentistry will make improved oral health for all Americans
a real possibility in the next two decades. To help make that possibility a reality, this chapter examines the
following issues and discusses their likely impact on clinical practice and practice management.

This chapter discusses six major areas:

u Trends, disease patterns and use of dental services;
u New concepts in patient-based diagnosis, treatment planning and disease management;
u Market force issues affecting demand;
u Technological advances affecting the dental workplace;
u The dental workforce, including its composition and the role of allied health personnel; and,
u The organization of dental practices.

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