Buddhism : Critical Concepts in Religious Studies, Vol. VI

(Brent) #1

Fig. I

The Ma~14aJa of the Vairocaniibhisafflbodhi-siilra
the centre: sariabhoga-kO:ya of Vairocana
the entire: dharma-kCiya of Vairocana

the first stage

accumulating merits

and sixty monadic minds, decreases in darkness and increases in brightness as it
ascends in its course toward the centre i.e. Vairocana. When it reaches the tenth
layer, it becomes completely pure. This state is called 'the first course of the
realm where the truth is realized' (:wJii!WHii), and is mentioned in the siitra as

"0 the chief of guhyakas! This is called the entrance into the com-
pletely purified mind of enlightenment of the bodhisattvas. This is the
entrance into the realm where the truth is realized. This is the first
course of the realm where the truth is realized. The bodhisattvas, who
have reached this stage, will be able to attain the trance (samiidhi =:!J;f;)
of exterminating all the obstructions of minds without difficulty. Con-
sequently, attaining this samiidhi, these bodhisattvas will be able to
meet with all the tathiigatas in the same assembly and will be able to
acqui;e five kinds of supernatural faculties (abhijiiii fi$5ifi). They will
acquire mystical charms (dhiirmii l!t~m) composed of infinite words,
syllables and sounds. They will understand the intentions of living
beings. They, being overpowered by all the tathiigatas, will come to
acquire the truth which will never be ruined in the transmigration. They
will never become weary of doing actions for the benefit of living
beings. They will observe good precepts even if they are not instituted.
Having abandoned the wrong view completely, they will attain the right
view and understand it. 0 the chief of guhyakal In the next place, the
bodhisattvas who stay in this trance of exterminating all the obstruc-
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