dev!ko{e sthitii ca/qau niif/i bukkaviihin! I
miilave skandhadvayasthiine nii4l hrdayaviihin!/17 I I
kiimarukak:wvob sthiine ca/qur vahati sarvadii I
auf/re stanayugale niif/i pittavahii sadii 11811
niibhau stisakunisarizsthiine nii4l phupphusiivahii I
kosale niisikiigre tu antramiiliivahii sthitii 11911
mukhasthiine halilige tu gudavartib sadii sthitii I
larizpiike halJ{hadese tu niif/y udaravahii sadii Ill 01 I
kiiiicihrdayasthiine tu nii41 vif/viihin! I
himiilaye mef/hrasthiine nii41 s!miintamadhyagii 111111
pretiidhiviisinllinge nii4! sle$maviihini I
grhadevatiigudasthiine siimiinyariz piiyaviihin! 11121 I
sauriit!ira iiruyugale sof)itiiii ca sadii vahii I
suvarf)adv!pe jarizghiisthiine niigz prasvedaviihin! I I 131 I
nagare piidiingulau jiieyii nii4l medavahii sadii I
sindhau piidapr!ithasthiine asru vahati riipif)!/11411
mariiv angu!ithayob sthiine khetariz vahati sarvadii I
kulatiijiinudvayob sthitvii biilasarizhiinaviihin! 11151P^1
"Now, I will explain the circle of veins in due order. Veins circulating
in the body are seventy-two thousand (l ).
Veins rely on the abodes of these subsidiary veins. One hundred and
twenty (veins) are said to be the principal veins (2).
The abode of veins, (that is,) 'the seats' (p!tha) are twenty-four in
number; in the middle of them dwell three veins; they are omnipresent (3).
In Pulllramalaya, (that is,) the head exists (a vein) flowing through
fingernails and teeth. In the abode of the top of the head, (that is,)
Jiilandhara, there exists (a vein which) flows through the hair of the
head and body (4).
In Of/iyiina, (that is,) the right ear, a vein flows through the skin and
dirt; and in Arbuda, (that is,) the back-bone, a vein flows through the
flesh (5).
In Godavari, (that is,) the left ear, a vein flows through the muscle.
Among the eyebrows, (that is,) Riimesvara, (a vein) always flows
through bones (6).
A vein existing in Dev!kota, (that is,) the eyes flows through the
liver. In Miilava, (that is,) the abode of both shoulders is the vein
flowing through the heart (7).
In the abode of Kiimaru, (that is,) the two armpits, (a vein) always
flows through the eyes. In 04ra, (that is,) the two breasts a vein always
conveys bile (8).
In the navel, (that is,) the abode of Trisakuni, a vein flows through
the lungs. In Kosala, (that is,) the top of the nose exists a vein flowing
through the wreath of entrails (9).