Commentary on Romans

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Non vosmetipsos ulciscentes, dilecti; sed
    date locum irae; scriptum est enim, Mihi
    vindictam, et ego rependam, dicit Dominus.

  2. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves,
    but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written,
    Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
    17.Repaying to no one, etc. This differs but little from what shortly after follows, except that
    revenge is more than the kind of repaying of which he speaks here; for we render evil for evil
    sometimes, even when we exact not the requiting of an injury, as when we treat unkindly those
    who do us no good. We are indeed wont to form an estimate of the deserts of each, or of what they
    merit at our hands, so that we may confer our benefits on those, by whom we have been already
    obliged, or from whom we expect something: and again, when any one denies help to us when we
    need it, we, by returning like for like, as they say, do not help him in time of need, any more than
    he assisted us. There are also other instances of the same kind, in which evil is rendered for evil,
    when there is no open revenge.
    Providing good things, etc. I no not disapprove of the rendering of Erasmus, “Providently
    preparing,” (Provide parantes;) but I prefer a literal rendering. As every one is more than justly
    devoted to his own advantage, and provident in avoiding losses, Paul seems to require a care and
    an attention of another kind. What is meant is, that we ought diligently to labor, that all may be
    edified by our honest dealings. For as purity of conscience is necessary for us before God, so
    uprightness of character before men is not to be neglected: for since it is meet that God should be
    glorified by our good deeds, even so much is wanting to his glory, as there is a deficiency of what
    is praiseworthy in us; and not only the glory of God is thus obscured, but he is branded with reproach;
    for whatever sin we commit, the ignorant employ it for the purpose of calumniating the gospel.
    But when we are bidden to prepare good things before men,^396 we must at the same time notice
    for what purpose: it is not indeed that men may admire and praise us, as this is a desire which Christ
    carefully forbids us to indulge, since he bids us to admit God alone as the witness of our good
    deeds, to the exclusion of all men; but that their minds being elevated to God, they may give praise
    to him, that by our example they may be stirred up to the practice of righteousness, that they may,
    in a word, perceive the good and the sweet odor of our life, by which they may be allured to the
    love of God. But if we are evil spoken of for the name of Christ, we are by no means to neglect to
    provide good things before men: for fulfilled then shall be that saying, that we are counted as false,
    and are yet true. (2 Corinthians 6:8.)
    18.If it be possible, etc. Peaceableness and a life so ordered as to render us beloved by all, is
    no common gift in a Christian. If we desire to attain this, we must not only be endued with perfect
    uprightness, but also with very courteous and kind manners, which may not only conciliate the just
    and the good, but produce also a favorable impression on the hearts of the ungodly.
    But here two cautions must be stated: We are not to seek to be in such esteem as to refuse to
    undergo the hatred of any for Christ, whenever it may be necessary. And indeed we see that there
    are some who, though they render themselves amicable to all by the sweetness of their manners
    and peaceableness of their minds, are yet hated even by their nearest connections on account of the

(^396) “Providentes bona;”        μ     ; “procurantes honesta — providing honest things,” Beza; “providing things reputable,”
Doddridge; “premeditating things comely,” Macknight. The participle means to mind beforehand, to prepare, to provide, and
also to take care of or to attend to a thing. “Attending to things honorable” may be the rendering here. The adjective , means
fair, good; and good in conduct as here is not “comely,” but just, right, or reputable, as Doddridge renders it. The word “honest”
does not now retain its original idea of honorable. — Ed.

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