Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

blood sugar goes up too dramatically and then drops, we may
experience this drop-off as a need for more food to raise our blood
sugar back up again, often to its elevated level. Similarly, if we go
too long without eating and our blood sugar “bottoms out” at an
excessively low level, we may feel desperate for whatever we can get
our hands on. In either direction, the rollercoaster ride can spell
trouble for excess eating.

If we get caught up in large pendulum swings with our blood sugar,
we are more likely to want high-sugar, high-calorie, and nutrient-
poor foods. That situation can only increase our risk of unwanted
weight gain.

Processed foods with high levels of simple sugar will spike our
blood sugar up more quickly than whole, natural foods. These
processed foods are often storehouses of refined carbohydrates,
almost never contain enough fiber to balance digestion and provide
for a very gradual breakdown and release of carbohydrates into our
digestive tract, and are usually deficient in the vitamins and minerals
needed to support insulin production and the uptake of glucose into
our cells. This can trigger a yo-yo effect in our blood sugar levels and
also increase our risk of unwanted weight gain.

Nutrient-rich World’s Healthiest Foods contain a wealth of vitamins,
minerals, fiber, and other health-promoting compounds that can help
us maintain optimal blood sugar regulation. They are rich in fiber,
which steadies the speed of digestion. They contain chromium and
vitamin B3, which are involved in the process of insulin metabolism
and the ability of this hormone to clear sugar from our bloodstream.
Many nutrient-rich World’s Healthiest Foods are also storehouses
of zinc, a mineral that plays an important role in blood sugar balance.

So, you can see how eating nutrient-rich World’s Healthiest Foods
can help to keep your blood sugar on par. Not only will this nutrient
contribution help with your ability to lose weight but it will also
provide you with great overall health benefits since excess blood

World’s Healthiest Foods Balance Blood Sugar Levels
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