Weight Loss eBook_Patty 2_16_10

(Tina Sui) #1

Third, and perhaps most important, is steadying your blood sugar
as much as possible by the way you eat. Here the World’s Healthiest
Foods can help you in a variety of ways. High-fiber foods are essential
for stabilizing your blood sugar because they help regulate the pace
of your digestion. And since most of the World’s Healthiest Foods
are plant-based foods they are naturally rich in fiber.

Also important for stabilizing blood sugar are protein-rich foods.
Protein digests at a moderate pace that is easy on blood sugar levels.
The lean meats, fish, low-fat dairy foods, legumes, and most of the
nuts and seeds included as World’s Healthiest Foods are considered
rich protein sources. Once again, the recipes included in the Healthy
Weight Loss Eating Planfrequently feature these protein-rich foods.

Finally, nothing is harder on our blood sugar levels than a diet filled
with highly processed foods in which the fiber, vitamins, and minerals
have been largely removed through processing. Since the Healthy
Weight Loss – Without Dietingemphasizes World’s Healthiest Foods
it keeps these processed foods out of your mainstream meal plan,
and in this way, it pays huge dividends in terms of blood sugar balance.

Maintaining Balanced Blood Sugar Levels by

Choosing Foods Based on the Glycemic Index

It’s important to remember that not all foods, not even all of the
World’s Healthiest Foods, are created alike when it comes to their
effects on our blood sugar. Some foods can cause stark spikes while
others keep circulating blood sugar levels on a relatively even keel.

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a numerical scale used to indicate how
fast and how high a particular food can raise our blood glucose
(blood sugar) level. A food with a low GI will typically prompt a
moderate rise in blood glucose, while a food with a high GI may
cause our blood glucose level to increase above the optimal level.
Selecting foods based on their GI is a great way to control fluctuations
in your blood sugar levels.

World’s Healthiest Foods Balance Blood Sugar Levels
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