Teach Yourself Visually Drawing

(Kiana) #1

Drawing Demonstration: A Palm and a Deer Skull.

Using the image on page 154, the artist began this drawing on a new, un-toned piece of white
drawing paper. Using an HB pencil to draw very light lines, the artist blocked in the large shapes of
each form by establishing the proportions and placement of each object within the paper. As previ-
ously mentioned, this image is seen from a high vantage point, so that the sweeping forms of the
palm fronds fan out across the paper.

This is a very crucial stage of the drawing, so use whatever method you feel will aid you in creating accurate shapes, place-
ment, and proportions. When you draw your still life arrangement, you can use either the grid method or extensive measur-
ing. Be sure to check the different angles within your objects.

Stage 1

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