Teach Yourself Visually Drawing

(Kiana) #1

Draw a Plaster Cast chapter 10

The range of tones in the shadow has been established at
this stage. Some of the deeper darks have been indicated, as
well as some of the lighter reflected lights, which gives the
shadow more depth and a feeling of transparency. It is cru-
cial to remember that none of the tones representing the
reflected light come near to approaching the lightness of the
tones in the light area of the subject. By overstating the
range of tones in the light and shadow, you will overmodel
the form and consequently lose the quality and texture of
the surface you’re rendering. Also, the darker accents within
the shadow should always be compared to the darkest dark
in order to gauge their precise tone. More of the dark tones
around the cast are indicated, which gives a greater sense of
relief to the head.

Stage 5


Gauge Your Accuracy
At this stage, it is very useful to frequently place
your drawing next to the actual cast and step
back at least 10 feet to compare them side-by-
side. This is the best way to gauge the accuracy
of drawing and tones in your rendering.


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