The Portrait chapter 11
As mentioned on the previous page, the tilted rectangular box is clearly indicated by the strong separation of light and
shadow between the front and side of the head (a). It is almost superfluous to draw the diagram of the box with such forms
that occur naturally.
With the planes of the portrait defined and the direction of the light source known, you can number the various planes
according to their position relative to the light source (b). The planes most parallel to the light source and that receive the
most light would be labeled 1. Those surfaces that are at an angle to the light source and receive less light would be 2, and
the planes that are perpendicular to the light source would be 3. (This would be the shadow side of the form.)
1 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2
3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3
a b