The Landscape chapter 13
In this drawing, the artist has interestingly juxtaposed contrasting images of winter and associations of summer together. She
has composed the background with soft gray tones to delineate the buildings and the shadows created by the soft sunlight of
a winter’s day. The dark accents are used very sparingly here to keep this area distant from the viewer. She directs the
viewer’s gaze to the barbecue by placing it prominently in the foreground of her composition. Its importance is underlined by
the strong contrast of light and shadow on its surface. This is the only object in the drawing that has this degree of contrast,
and consequently it seems to shimmer with a barely contained energy. The artist may have been depicting her own longing
for summer and her certainty that summer must return in defiance of the bare branches of winter.
Backyard December,by Erin Raedeke