Introduction to One-Point Perspective chapter 6
In this bathroom, the horizon line is just above the bottom
ledge of the window. You can see a small part of the inside
of the sink, and a part of the top surface of the small dividing
wall on the right. The vanishing point is a little to the left of
the sink on the horizon line. Keep this simple rule in mind:
Everything that is nearest to you is large, and as objects
move away from you, they become smaller.
This is a very dramatic example of one-point perspective. Can
you work out where the vanishing point is? Review the photo
before you read the answer in the next paragraph.
The eye level of the photographer is a little above the sign
on the lamppost in the left foreground of the photo. If the
photographer moved to the right, say 15 feet, her eye
level/horizon line would remain the same, but the vanishing
point would move along the eye level/horizon line, as her
position would have changed. The angles of the parallel lines
of the building’s architectural ornamentation would be less
steep, and less dramatically inclined.