Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1

110 !!Chapter 6

space of the in the bass clef, and the highest note is C (8va), two octaves
above the treble clef. Note: Marimbas are constructed in different sizes;
therefore, their ranges vary. The bass marimba is very popular because it
has a deep wooden sound that cannot be duplicated by any other instru-
ment (see example 6-12).

Example 6-12 Marimba range.


The glockenspiel (bells) is a small instrument, consisting of two rows of
graduated metal bars with no sustain pedal. It is played with two small
wooden mallets, soft mallets, or brass mallets. It has a bell-like quality and
is effective in combination with other instruments, such as the wood-
Range:Parts are written in the treble clef and sound two octaves above
where they are written. The lowest written note is G, below middle C, and
the highest written note is C, above middle C (see example 6-13).

Example 6-13 Glockenspiel range: staff indicates where the parts are written.

Although the instrument can be played at a rapid pace, because the
bells ring, the natural reverberation can create a cloudy sound. This must
be taken into consideration when arranging a part. The instrument should
be used tastefully, or the effect will not be appreciated.


Chimes are long metal tubes that are hung vertically and configured like
much like church bells. The sound should be used selectively.
Range:Parts are written in the treble clef and sound one octave above
where they are written. The lowest written note is middle C, and the high-
est written note is F, on the top line (see example 6-14).

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