124 !!Chapter 6
- Theharmon mutehas the thin, nasal sound.
- Trumpeters also use arubber plungeror a plastic cup, which is held
in one hand and opened and closed over the sound coming out of
the bell. Sometimes the players use their hand to accomplish the
same sound as a plunger.
The trumpet can be effective with the proper use of mutes. Playing a soft
section using a cup mute and removing the mute and playing a fortissimo
passage gives the illusion of two different instruments.
Muted trumpets with flutes, trumpets, and tenor saxophones playing
in unison or in octaves, in addition to other orchestral combinations, make
interesting sonorities.
Range:Parts are written in the treble clef and sound one step below
where they are written. The lowest written note is F-sharp, below middle
C, and the highest written note is D, above the treble clef. Professional
trumpeters can play much higher (see example 6-24).
Example 6-24 Trumpet range: staff indicates where the parts are written.
Arrangers should not write high parts for a long period of time. High
notes are very difficult to play, and the players may not consistently hit the
notes with the correct intonation. Trumpets sound best in their middle
range. They can sound powerful playing four-part harmony or playing in
octaves (two trumpets high and two low) or in unison. Do not overwrite
the trumpet parts; they are more effective when used as a distinct musical
color. (The B-flat trumpet is the most popular trumpet used in commercial
music. Trumpets are also constructed in other keys, e.g., trumpet in C.)
Tenor Slide Trombone in C
Adjusting a player’s embouchure changes the natural overtones. The slide
trombone does not have valves, and therefore the chromatics are achieved
by adjusting the length of the slide. Since it is difficult to move the slide
quickly, fast parts should not generally be written for the trombone,
although many jazz trombonists have remarkable technical ability and can
play almost as quickly as trumpeters.
Most big bands and orchestras have three or four trombonists. The
bass trombone usually plays the lowest-pitched trombone part. A trom-
bone section can sound smooth and full or loud and heroic, such as parts