Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1

154 !!Chapter 7

females, two males, or one of each. Reminder: Make certain that the
keys are correct for each version.

Male or female lead singer.Ask the creatives if they prefer a male or
a female lead singer or possibly a duet with alternating lines and harmon-
ies. A vocal arrangement (e.g., close harmonies, open harmonies, solo
voices, and so on) can determine the success of a jingle. Often the lyric
dictates the form.
If the objective is that the singer(s) sounds ‘‘full,’’ double the vocal(s);
if the objective is to create intimacy, do not double the vocal(s) and ask
the singer(s) to stand close to the microphone. (Standing too close to the
microphone can cause distortion or digital error.) Most experienced studio
singers have developed proficient microphone techniques and a sense of
how to achieve the objectives of music producers. The singers generally
make suggestions on how to achieve the musical goals.
Background singers.The decision to hire background singers is both
creative and financial. Most jingles require backgrounds to expand the
parts and create variety within the vocal arrangement. Jingles are gener-
ally structured with the verse sung by a solo voice and the background
singers entering during the chorus, usually emphasizing the name of the
product. When hiring background singers, there are several crucial factors
to consider:

  • They must have perfect intonation.

  • Their voices should be similar in character so that they blend.

  • They must have the ability to sing in the style of music being

  • Phrasing is of utmost importance. (They have to sing as an ensemble,
    not as soloists.)

  • With a large group of singers, always double the melody before dou-
    bling other parts. This will balance the blend.

  • Make certain that they sing at relatively the same volume or the
    backgrounds will not sound balanced on the recording.

  • If arranging for a large chorus, try to assign an equal number of sing-
    ers to each part to create the proper balance within the chorus.
    Assigning more singers to the lead part will make the melody
    louder, which is sometimes desirable.

The number of singers has to be cleared by the agency and client before
the recording session. The cost in both session fees and residual payments
is calculated on the basis of the media buy. If the music track is a jingle,
this is not normally a problem. If the singers are used primarily as a sec-
tion of the band and they are not featured, this might cause a predicament.
Some clients have policies concerning the use of singers. One of the lead-

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