8 !!Chapter 1
- Loose lips sink ships (Public Service)
- M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand (M&M candies)
- We bring good things to life (General Electric)
Musical logosare identifiable short melodies usually played at the end of
commercials or used as a symbol for products or companies. Arguably,
the most recognizable musical logo is for NBC Television; just three notes
created a network identity that has lasted for many years.
!!Most television net-
works and individual sta-
tions hire advertising agen-
cies to create the
promotions for their shows
(television, print, and radio)
and to help create images
for individual stations and
networks. A musical exam-
ple is the use of the John
Williams’s theme for all
NBC News events. When
audiences hear the NBC
News theme—arranged in
multiple variations—there is
an automatic subliminal re-
action that informs them
that they are going to view
a program or special an-
nouncement associated
with NBC News. (Under-
scoringis the background
music used behind dia-
logue, voice-overs, film, or
video. This musical form
can provide the ambience
for a commercial. Some
commercials have no dia-
logue and use only pictures
and music.)
When an agency makes a ‘‘pitch’’ to a
client for a campaign or individual com-
mercial(s), a creative strategy is presented,
and within that strategy is a reference to
music. The agency might suggest that the
music be fun, authoritative, serious, or
warm and that it evoke an emotion that
supports the message of the advertising.
Sometimes, musical examples are played
at strategy meetings. A composer might
be asked to record a demo in a certain
style, or music from a commercially
released CD might be presented as an
example.There are no rules!
The Music
Producer’s Role
Because of the important role that music
plays in commercials, agencies scrutinize
the content and the production of the
music. Some agencies (mainly major com-
panies) have staff music producers whose
job is to produce advertising music.
Music production in advertising is
similar to producing records or producing
music for motion pictures. The best anal-
ogy is to compare it to the process of film
direction. The film director is responsible
for the creative quality of the final film,
and the music supervisor is responsible
for the production and quality of the music. In advertising, the music pro-
ducer is responsible for the final music presentation. The job requires the
music producer to make sure that the following is achieved.