Writing Music for Television and Radio Commercials (and more): A Manual for Composers and Students

(Ben Green) #1
Video Game Music!! 209

These agreements provide information on the following topics:

  • Premium overtime

  • Breaks

  • Minutes of music

  • Use of music

  • Sound track albums

  • Leader

  • Contractor

  • Pension

  • Health and welfare

  • Music preparation

  • Payments

  • Promotional use

  • Credits

  • Cartage

  • Cancellation

  • Grievance and arbitration

  • Union security

For the most current terms and financial information, contact the Ameri-
can Federation of Musicians’ Electronic Media Services Division, West
Coast Office, 3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1900, Los Angeles, CA 90010.
Phone: (213) 251-4510, ext. 202. Website: http://www.afm.org.
Founded in 1896, the AFM is the largest organization in the world ded-
icated to representing the interests of professional musicians. With more
than 90,000 members, the AFM represents all types of professional musi-
cians, including those who record music for sound recordings, film scores,
and radio, television, and commercial announcements, and those who per-
form music of every genre in every sort of venue from small jazz clubs
to symphony orchestra halls to major stadiums. Whether negotiating fair
agreements, protecting ownership of recorded music, securing benefits
such as health care and pension, or lobbying legislators, the AFM is com-
mitted to raising industry standards and placing the professional musician
in the foreground of the cultural landscape.


  1. Play a video game. Choose several sections and score them. Select a
    different musical direction than the music heard on the game.

  2. If possible, mix your music in 5.1 surround sound. If not, record
    a stereo mix. Play your music back while viewing the game. (It is
    important to ascertain if your music is appropriate for the project.)

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