114 | CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Guidebook
Displaying additional paragraph formatting options
A drop cap applied to the initial letter of a paragraph
If you want to visually set paragraphs apart and
help readers scan your document quickly, you
can organize information with bulleted lists. A
bullet is a text symbol that precedes each item
in a list.
You can apply bullets to existing paragraph text.
In CorelDRAW, you can quickly convert text to
a bulleted list.
To convert text to a bulleted list, select
paragraph text by using the Te x ttool.
Click the Paragraph button in the
Object properties docker. In the
Paragraph a r e a o f t h e Object properties
docker, click the down arrow located at the
bottom of the area to display additional
options. Enable the Bullets check box.
To modify a bullet, click the Bullet
settings button to the right of the Bullets
check box in the Paragraph area of the
Object properties docker.
Working with text frames
In CorelDRAW, you can customize a text frame
by modifying its size, position, and settings.
To add a background color to a frame,
select a frame by using the Pick tool.
Click the Frame button in the Object
properties docker. In the Frame area of
the Object properties docker, click the
Background color button.
Adding a background color to a text frame
W he n y o u t yp e i n a fr a me , th e s i ze of th e f r am e
does not automatically adjust to accommodate
the text. Therefore, if you add more text than
the frame allows, the text continues past the
lower-right border of the text frame, but
remains hidden. The color of the frame turns
red to alert you that there is additional text.