
(coco) #1

Thargelia 187, 191
Thargelion 209
Thasos 58, 78–9, 101, 104, 107–8, 152,
174, 329, 336
Thaumasion 273–4
thaumatopoiia 365–7
Theagenes of Megara 65
Theano 124
Thebaid 276
Thebes (Boeotia) 64, 83, 101, 112, 123,
127, 129, 144, 152, 184, 209–10, 216, 329
Thebes (Egypt) 23, 79
Thelpusa 270–2, 275– 6, 278
Themis 76–7, 214
Themistios 77
Themistocles 77, 288–9
Theocritus,Epigrams 176;Idylls 121,
257, 362, 369
Thedosius 158; Code of 363
Theogenes of Thasos 101, 104
Theognis 50, 376–9, 383
Theoinia 336
theology 42; Platonic 386–96
Theophilus 263
Theophrastus 139, 151, 266, 302;
Superstitious Man 128, 153, 180, 183,
210, 307, 309, 340
Theopompus 266
Theoria 202
Theoxenia 139
Thera 27–8, 59, 83, 113
Therapne 237
theriomorphism 66, 270, 276
Thermon 47, 49
Thermopylae 49, 152, 249–50
Theseus 53, 94, 105, 111, 196–200, 210,
222, 224, 292, 333, 346
Thesmophoria 200, 212, 229, 255, 291,
304–5, 314
Thesmophorion 255–6
Thespiae 75, 105
Thesprotia 96
Thessaly, Thessalians 44, 47, 59, 61, 66, 77,
102, 131, 194, 276, 329, 359, 363, 367
Thestylis 121
Thetes 289
Thetis 69, 213, 217, 328, 331, 338, 425,
427, 429, 430, 432, 436
theurgy 367

thiasoi 294
Thiso 273
Thorikos 112, 191–2, 216
Thornax 246
Thoth 25
Thrace, Thracians 291, 412
Thucydides 44, 49, 107, 146–9, 157, 179,
184, 190, 201–2, 211, 236, 242, 246,
249, 286, 289, 291–3, 375
Thuia 329, 335
Thuiades 333–5
Thuios 329
thursos(thyrsus) 334–5, 340, 415
Tilglath-Pileser III 29
Timarchus 81
time 71, 204–18, 432–3;see also
Timon 192
Timotheus 256, 259
Tinit 34
Tiresias 152
Tiryns 134
Titane 173
Titans 46
Tithenidia 237
Tithonus 215
Tithorea 172
Tiwaz 48
tombs 27, 31, 87, 88, 97, 100–11, 151,
180, 205, 208, 215, 217, 243, 250, 258,
262, 327, 337, 340–1, 361, 409–12, 415,
417–18;see alsofunerals
tragedy 313–14, 373–5;see alsoAeschylus;
Euripides; Sophocles
Trajan 263
Tralles 322, 365
transmission, cultural 26–32
transvestism 198–9
Trikrena mountains 274
Triphylia 266
Triptolemus 256, 330, 345–7, 351–2
Triton 225
Tritopatores 108
Troad, Troy 66, 76–7, 93, 97, 101, 124,
140, 214
Troezen (Troizen) 69, 104, 110, 131,
208, 315
Trophonius 50, 154, 156, 365
Trygaeus 303
tryphe 256

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