THE NOTES, which follow, are keyed page by page to the main text; within each page,
the notes are keyed paragraph by paragraph. Thus a note in the form “287,1” is keyed to
page 287, first paragraph. If a paragraph requires more than one note, the notes are listed in
the sequence in which they are required for that paragraph. Each note includes an abbrevi-
ated form of the work to which it refers. There is no additional note if the material referred
to in a note continues (uninterrupted by other material requiring a note) in subsequent
paragraphs in the main text.
The individual chapters constitute separate units of reference. When the same work is
referred to more than once in the notes for a given chapter, the author’s name and the title
of the work (often in abbreviated form) are cited the first time; thereafter, only the abbrevi-
ated title of work is cited. The bibliography provides full information for all sources cited in
these notes.
The most frequently cited source is the edition of Kierkegaard’s journals, notebooks, and
other posthumous papers published under the titleSøren Kierkegaards Papirer[The Papers of
Søren Kierkegaard] (see the bibliography for details), and all references to this edition will
be in the following format: X 2 A 227 (signifyingSøren Kierkegaards Papirer, volume X, part
2, section A, entry number 227); occasionally, when greater specificity is deemed helpful,
entry numbers are followed by a page number and/or a subordinate number. (All existing
English translations of selections from Kierkegaard’s journals and notebooks are keyed to the
Danish edition ofSøren Kierkegaards Papirer.)
Other frequently cited sources will appear abbreviated in the notes as follows:
B&A Breve og Aktstykker vedrørende Søren Kierkegaard [Letters and Documents
Pertaining to Søren Kierkegaard]. Edited by Niels Thulstrup. 2 vols. Copen-
hagen: Munksgaard, 1953–54.
B-fort. “Fortegnelse over de efterSøren Aabye KierkegaardsDød forefundne Papirer—
1865 (24/2 – 3/11) optaget af H.P. Barfod. Aalborg” [Catalog of the Papers
Found after the Death ofSøren Aabye Kierkegaard—1865 (2/24 – 11/3) drawn
up by H. P. Barfod]. Manuscript.
Bl. art S. Kierkegaards Bladartikler med Bilag samlede efter Forfatterens Død, udgivne som
Supplement til hans øvrige Skrifter[S. Kierkegaard’s Newspaper Articles, With
an Appendix Collected After the Author’s Death: Published as a Supple-
ment to His Other Writings]. Edited by Rasmus Nielsen. Copenhagen:
C. A. Reitzel, 1857.
EP Af Søren Kierkegaards Efterladte Papirer[From the Posthumous Papers of Søren
Kierkegaard]. Edited by H. P. Barfod and H. Gottsched. 8 vols. Copen-
hagen: C. A. Reitzel, 1869–1881.
EWK Bruce H. Kirmmse.Encounters with Kierkegaard: A Life as Seen by His Contem-
poraries. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1996.