Aarestrup, Emil, 311, 386 Aus meinem Leben(Goethe), 562
Abrahams, Arthur, 309 Autonomy of Human Self-Consciousness in
Abrahams, N.C.L., 18 Contemporary Dogmatic Theology(Mar-
“Accounting, The,” 653–54 tensen), 80
Achenbach, Hermann, 306
“Activity of a Traveling Aesthetician and Bagger, Carl, 69
How He Nonetheless Came to Pay for Baggesen, Jens, 179
Dinner,” 393–94 Ballesig, Joachim, 39
Adam Homo(F. Paludan-Mu ̈ller), 590 Bang, F. L., 605–6, 661
Adler,AdolphPeter,194,440–43;plagiariz- Bang, Oluf Lundt, 107, 435–37, 462–63,
ing of Kierkegaard’s pseudonyms, 455; 784
reading of Kierkegaard’s works, 455 Bang, P. G., 730
Adler, Johan, 443 Barford, H. P., 19, 99–100, 104–5, 132–
Adresseavisen, 353–54 34, 136, 177, 292, 785, 790, 811
Agerskov, Christen, 5, 37 Barsugli, Giuseppe, 475
Agnete and the Merman(Andersen), 258 Barth, Colonel, 430
Album of the Handwriting of Contemporary Battle between the Old and the New Soap-Cel-
Danish Men and Women, for Handwriting lars, 80–86, 144, 422; alternate titles for,
Instruction in the Schools(Levin), 289–90 82
Andersen, Hans Christian, 69, 105, 216, Baumann, Elisabeth Jerichau, 517
217–18, 225, 258, 311, 314, 379, 380, Beck, Frederik, 199, 214–15; onPhilosophi-
387, 388, 391, 417, 464, 590–91, 684, cal Fragments, 287
785, 797; extensive travels of, 474; and Belief in Spirits and Freethinking(Drier), 703
Kierkegaard, 139–46, 450, 574–75; writ- Bellman, Carl, 69
ings of, 140–41, 145 Bendz, Wilhelm, 54
Anger, Edvard, 18, 21 Bentzon, Adrian, 609
“AnotherDefenseofWomen’sGreatAbili- Berlingske Tidende, xviii
ties,” 49 Bernhard, Carl, 183
“Appeal for Freedom of the Press,” 61 Bidoulac, Virginie Henriette Constance,
Arena, 387 579
Aristotle, 336 Birkedal, Vilhelm, 35–36, 311–12, 772
Assistens Cemetery, 7, 9, 39, 114, 325–26 Blicher, Steen Steensen, 57, 69, 386, 591
“Astronomical Year, The” (Johan Ludvig Bloch, Grethe, 87
Heiberg), 248 Bloch, Victor, 749–50
Attempt at a Brief, Systematic Presentation of Bluhme, C. A., 729
Christianity in Its Logic(A. Adler), 444 Boesen, Emil, 31, 64, 118–22, 139, 292–
Attempt at a Dictionary of the Bornholm Dia- 94, 405, 514, 647–49, 661–62, 684, 785,
lect(A. Adler), 443 787, 790, 791; letters from Kierkegaard,
Attempt at a Letter from Heaven in Grundtvig’s 199–206, 231–32, 251
New Historical Tone(P. M. Møller), 320 Boesen, Johannes, 118
Atterdag, Valdemar, 55, 56 Boisen, Eline, 24, 247, 309, 808