Soren Kierkegaard

(Romina) #1

ing in his sleep, 350; financial dealings (martyrdom), 490–92, 498–500, 632–36;
with Peter Christian, 505–7; finances, in Sweden (1835), 53–56; theological
513–19; first sermon preached, 185; as training of, 29–30, 51, 52–53; ultimate
“Frater Taciturnus,” 336, 339, 393, 395, effectsofThe Corsairon,413–18;univer-
399; and freedom-of-the-press debates, sity education of, 26–32; use of Scripture
62–67; friendship with Emil Boesen, passages, 345; as “Victor Eremita,” 121,
118–22; funeral of, xvii–xix, 796–99; in 213, 215, 220, 576; view of himself as a
Gilleleje, Zealand (1835), 50–59; on writer, xx, 97–99, 119–20, 550–52,
Goethe’sFaust, 75–80; grief over deaths 554–56; as “Vigilius Haufniensis,” 268,
in his family, 47–48; as “H. H.,” 626– 269,434–35,437,438,467;“vortexthe-
30, 633, 638; and the Heiberg family, ory” of, 498; and walks, 308–16; on the
67–74; illness of, 782–93; inheritance of, Wandering Jew, 76; work on drafts, 266,
147; as “Johannes Climacus,” 282, 361– 561; writing style of, 95–96, 151, 334–
63, 426, 465–66, 553; journals of, 47, 36.See alsoKierkegaard, Søren, and
48, 56–57, 81, 96, 100–101, 411, 561– Christianity
62, 563–64, 733–34, 776, 781; Kierkegaard, Søren, and Christianity, 15–
Klæstrup’s caricatures of, 398, 399–400, 16, 31, 58–59, 118, 126–28, 418, 549,
406–7; letters to Emil Boesen, 199–206; 565–69, 619, 650–54, 661, 705–6, 714–
library of, 122–25; on literature, 232; 15, 746, 747–48, 751–52, 754–56, 758–
love of the preface as a genre, 282–83; 64; Christian upbringing of, 10–12, 35–
magister dissertation of, 192–98; and 36; church attendance of, 325–31; on
Martensen, 576–81, 732–33; and Mo ̈ller, the commercialization of Christianity,
90–95, 388–95, 399, 406–7; and Mozart, 759–60; and the death of God, 764–66;
121–22; and the natural sciences, 52, favorite Gospel text of, 327; favorite
463–70; negotiations with Reitzel, 508– hymn of, 327; on poetry and Christian-
13; nicknames of, 8–9, 20; and Nielsen ity, 545–48, 561, 755–56; practice of,
as his disciple, 582–89; in Nørregade, 315–16
646–50;inOsterbrovej,684–85;pilgrim- Kierkegaard, Søren Michael (brother), 7;
age to Sædding, 154–61; as “police spy,” death of, 9
305; on politics, 492–93, 494–95, 502, Kierkegaardian Papers(Meyer), 174
702–7;portraitof,428–29;aspossibleep- Kjøbenhavns Morgenblad, 143
ileptic, 460–62; and the press, 471–74; Kjøbenhavnsposten, 33, 61, 62, 64, 735
and pseudonyms, 630–32; psychosomatic Kjøbenhavns flyvende Post. SeeFlyveposten
conflict of, 428–40; publishing ideas of, Klæstrup, Peter, 398, 399–400
544–45; pyrophobia of, 23; and Rasmus Klettwig, Herrn H. F., 25
Nielson, 642–46, 698–700; reading style Klink, Rasmus, 32
of, 125; and Regine Schlegel, 148–50, Købke, Christen, 748
178–91, 228–29, 247–48, 249–50, 597– Kofoed-Hansen, H. P., 327, 661, 762
602, 685–89; relationship with his father, Kolderup-Rosenvinge, J.L.A., 123, 298,
13–17, 250, 351, 565–69; and reviewers, 492; correspondence with Kierkegaard,
222, 363, 422–28; and the river Guadal- 498–500
quivirmetaphor,147,631;roleofgover- Kolthoff, E. V., 41, 127, 327, 790
nance in his writing, 555, 557–59; sale Krabbe, Harald, 782–83
of his library, 803–4; and Schopenhauer, Kuhr, V., 99–100, 133
707–13; sexuality of, 104–11; on sin,
108–10; and socialism, 702–4; spending Lange, Thomas, 779–80
habits as a student, 102–3; as “street phi- Læssøe, Signe, 217
losopher,” 308–16; onsufferingaction Larsdatter, Maren, 6

{Index} 861
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