scientific Postscript, 402–5, 456; onEither/ Neighbors Across the Way, The(Hostrup),
Or, 375, 376, 391; expulsion of from Co- 418–22
penhagen’s intellectual circles, 410; and New ABC Book: An Hour’s Instruction to
Goldschmidt, 382–86, 572; and Kierke- Honor, Serve, and Amuse Young Grundtvig.
gaard, 388–95, 399, 406–7; ridiculed in A Pedagogical Attempt(Grundtvig), 320
The Neighbors across the Way, 421; on “New Planet, The” (Goldschmidt), 398–99
Stages on Life’s Way, 391–93, 456 Nielsen, Frederik, 310
Moltke, Adam Vilhelm, 608–9 Nielsen, Michael, 18–19, 26–27, 194
Moltke, Joachim Godske, 608, 616 Nielsen, N. P., 89
Moment, The, xviii, 316, 662, 752, 753, Nielsen, Rasmus, 89, 197, 531–32, 549,
757–58, 777 582–89, 638, 735–36, 741–43, 798–800;
Monrad, D. G., 494 criticism of Martensen, 580–81, 692–
Moods and Situations(Hertz), 150 700, 743–44; falling out with Kierke-
Moravian Congregation of Brethren, 11– gaard, 642–46
(^12) Nordicism, 324
Morgenposten, xviii North and South, 668, 669, 773
“Morning Observations inKjøbenhavnspos- Notes from a Journey(A. Adler), 446
ten, no. 43, The,” 63–64 Nutzhorn, Dr., 129–30
Mozart, Wolfgang, 278 Nyt Aftenblad, 424
Mu ̈ller, L. C., 20, 148
“My Protest: What I Did and Did Not Oehlenschla ̈ger, Adam, 10, 139, 179, 386,
Say” (H. Lund), xix 574, 613
“My Punctuation from Now On,” 335 “Old Lover, The” (P. M. Mo
“My Relation to ‘Her,’ ” 175–78 ̈ller), 91
“My Umbrella, My Friendship,” 309 Old Memories(Bernhard), 183
Mynster, Christian Gutzon, 605 Olsen, Cornelia, 189–90
Mynster, Jakob Peter, 10–11, 33, 34–35, Olsen, Jonas Christian, 189
36, 37, 39, 45–46, 79, 286–87, 318, 319, Olsen, Regine.SeeSchlegel, Regine
325, 326, 331, 404, 412, 415, 441, 442, Olsen, Terkild, 188, 593–94
443, 452, 577, 590, 602–4, 668–72; On Lenau’s Faust(Martensen), 78
childhood and adolescence of, 604–7; On Lord Byron(G. Thomsen), 645–46
death of, 727–28; depression of, 610–11; On Magister S. Kierkegaard’s Work as an Au-
differences with Kierkegaard, 620–24; ed- thor, Observations of a Village Pastor, 681
ucation of, 607–8; Kierkegaard’s praise On My Work as an Author, 152, 514, 550,
of, 445; later years of, 617–19; pastoral 560, 671, 672, 679; reviews of, 680–81
experiences of, 615–19; reaction toPrac- “On Our National Pastimes” (Johan Lud-
tice in Christianity, 654–56; relationship vig Heiberg), 71
with Ole, 612–13; similarities to Kierke- On Religious Persecution(Grundtvig), 318
gaard, 619; spiritual development of, On the Art of Preaching(J. Mynster), 615
611–12; as tutor to Adam Vilhelm Mol- “On the Concept of Irony” (P. M.
tke, 608–9 Møller), 193
Mynster, Maria Frederikke Francisca, 617 On the Concept of Irony, with Continual Refer-
Mynster, Ole Heironymus, 605, 606, 610, ence to Socrates, 192–98, 214–15, 311,
611, 612–13 439, 659; Kierkegaard’s defense of, 199;
review of inThe Corsair, 380–81
Nathanson, Michael Leonard, 399 “On the Cultivation of Potted Plants”
“NB Journals,” 411 (Visby), 328
{Index} 863