“To the worthy Mr. X.,” 243; theme of gaard’s letters to, 178–84; look-alike in
repetition in, 233–34, 236–37, 261; two Berlin, 201–2
main characters (Constantin Constantius Schelling, Friedrich, 209–11, 483
and the Young Man) of, 232–36 Schiødte, A. F., 314, 689
“Reply to Mr. B. ofFlyveposten” (Leh- Schopenhauer, Arthur, 471, 707–13; and
mann), 65 Buddhism, 708; criticism of by the Dan-
Rhymed Epistle to “Defensor fidei,” Alias The- ish Scientific Society, 710–11; writings
ology Student Thurah, from Theology Stu- by and about, 707
dent Th. L.(Lange), 779 Schouw, J. F., 52, 61
Rhymed Epistle to Johannes the Seducer, Alias Scribe, Augustin-Euge`ne, 219, 220
Dr. Søren Kierkegaard(Thurah), 776–80, Seding, Niels Andersen, 3
782 “Seducer’s Diary, The,” 145, 189–90, 304,
Richmond, James C., 42 307; as an introduction toThe Concept of
romanticism, 70, 193, 386 Anxiety, 270–77, 279–80; planned sequel
Rørbye, Martinus, 54 to, 363; and Regine, 227, 280; review
Rørdam, Hans, 772 of, 219, 221–22, 223; success of, 390
Rørdam, Peter, 30, 35, 36, 67, 772 Severinus, Nikolai Frederick, 616
Rose of Sharon, The(Thurah), 776 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 348
Rosenhoff, Claudius, 423–24 Short Synopsis of World History as a Whole
Rosenkilde, C. N., 69, 310–11 (Grundtvig), 321
“Roses Already Blush in Denmark’s Gar- Sibbern, F. C., 50, 84, 90–91, 139, 186–
den” (P. M. Møller), 421 87, 196, 199, 386, 428, 439, 459–60,
Rosing, Michael, 324 516, 583, 591, 661
Rosted, H. C., 316 Sickness Unto Death, The, 110, 358, 552,
Rothe, Tycho, 591 561, 577, 593, 596–97; and Anti-Clima-
Rothe, W. H., 327, 699 cus, 542; on the conflict between poetry
Royal Theater of Denmark, 68, 69, 302–3 and Christianity, 545–48; God in, 542–
Røyen, Mads, 4, 6, 7, 12 45; writing of, 540–42
Rudelbach, Andreas Gottlob, 25, 26, 123, Simonsen, C. L., 196
662, 670, 705, 728 Sisters of Fir Tree Mountain, The(Hauch),
Rudelbach, Christine, 28, 33, 40–41, 323 574
Rudelbach, Juliane, 28, 33, 34–35, 40–41, Smith, A.N.C., 127, 750
323 Social Ethics(Martensen), 501
Socialism and Christianity(Martensen), 501
“S. Kierkegaard and his Reviewers,” 423 Socrates, 193, 195, 311, 317, 421, 499; as
Saga of Dr. Faust, The(Stieglitz), 75 Kierkegaard’s exemplar, 318, 475, 513–
Sandøe, Anders, 591 14
Saxtorp, Peter, 12 Some Observations concerning the State and
Schimmelman, Ernst, 7 Church(Sibbern), 703
Schlegel, A. W., 120 Some Poems(A. Adler), 444
Schlegel, Friedrich (“Fritz”), 106–7, 192, Some Sermons(A. Adler), 440, 441, 442,
484–85, 806–7, 812 445, 448, 449; Kierkegaard’s copy of, 444
Schlegel, Regine, 173–78, 428, 429, 484– Sommer, Abraham, 804–5
86, 597–602, 806–7, 812–13; breakup Sommer, Mogens Abraham Søren Aabye
with Kierkegaard, 185–191; engagement Kierkegaard, 805
to Friedrich Schlegel, 228–29; as heir to Søren Kierkegaard’s Papers(P. Heiberg and
Kierkegaard’s estate, 801–2; Kierke- Kuhr), 99–100
{Index} 865