"Mankind are one c.mmnity, and so God sent (unto
all sections of them) Prophets as bearers of good tid-
ings and as warners, and revealed therewith the
Scripture with the truth that it might judge between
mankind concerning that wherein they differed."
(The Quran 2:213).
The Prophet Muhammad had come to complete,
not to oy, the work of the earlier prophets. He told
his owers to have faith in the prophets of all the na-
tions :
"Say (O Muslims) : We believe in God and that
which Is evealed unto us and that which was re-
vealed unto Araham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Ja-
cob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus
received, and that which the Prophets (of each and
every ntion) received from their Lord. We make no