(nextflipdebug2) #1

Among these people who had drifted far from
God's way, Prophet Mohammad grew up to be a
Man of God. He was conspicuous among them by
his pure and spotless character, his love of truth and
commpassion for the poor and the downtrodden.
They called him Al-Amin the trustworthy, the faith-
As he grew older the superstitions and evil ways of
the people caused greater and greater sorrow to his
heart. He spent mary hours in communion with his
Creator and in Meditation on the end or object of
man's life. He longed to bring the people to the
Straight Path, to "render God unto man and man
unto God.” When he was forty years of age the Di-
vine Light shoen in its full resplendence in his heart
and he was chosen by God to be His messenger to
He preached to them of one and only God, the Lov-
ing Creator and Sustainer of all the worlds. He ex-

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