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cruelties. Many of those that believed in him wer
brutally murdered. A combined attempt was made
by all the tribes of Mecca to put an end to his life.
After bearing these tortures and cruelties for thirteen
long years with almost superhuman patience and for-
bearance, Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) at
las migrated to Madina, where a large rumber of the
people had already embraced Islam and beccome his
followers. This was the turning point in his life. The
people of Medina not only believed in him and his
message but also made him the head of their state.
Here Prophet Muhammad, in addition to his moving
appeals for individual charge of heart and transfor-
mation of character, worked out the social implica-
tions of his message. The many revoluttionary
changes that he introduced included the raising of
women to a position of eqaality with men, taking
steps to abolish slavery, total prohibition of all kinds
of intoxicaciiig drinks and of gambling, putting an

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