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moment some one asked him to curse his enemies
and persecutors, he replied : "I have not been sent to
curse but as a mercy to mankind. 0 Lord, guide my
people for they know not. " At the conquest of Mec-
ca (to give just one instance out of many) he freely
forgave all his enemies, who had spared no effort to
annihilate him, his religion and his followers, and
were guilty of murder and persecution. He told
them. “This day there is no reproof against you”.
Here is a practical example of the maxim “Love
your enemies”. He had come to reclaim and reform
the fallen humanity and he won the hearts of the
anti-social elements of his time by love and kind-
ness. His charity and readiness to help the people in
all possible ways were proverbial. He was the great-
est friend of the poor and the downtrodden.
He strove all his life to lead mankind to the one
True God, to make them godly, to rescue them from
error, superstitions and sins, but in inviting them to

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