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The Protestant author of The Truth of Christianity
expresses himself as follows on this subject :
"Evidently then this expression, the Son of God,
meant to him (i.e., John), and therefore presumably
to other New Testament writers, who use it frequent-
ly, that Christ was truely God-God the Son-in the
fullest and most complete sense.:1
This dogma also has no support of ,ords of Jesus
Christ as recorded in the Gospels.
The truth is that Jesus stronlgly disclaimed God-
hood or divinity. Here are his own words:
"Why callest thou e God? There is none god but
One, that is, God" (Mark 10: 18).
He spoke of God as "My Father and your Father and
my God and your. God,"2 These words of Jesus report-
ed in the Bible show that Jesus stood in the game rela-
tion to God as any other man. He was a creature of God.


  1. W.H. Turton, The Truth of Christianity, P.507.

  2. The Gospel of St. John, 20:17.

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