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that He should decreeth a thing, He saith unto it
only, Be! and it is.” (19:35)
Reason and common sense are again on the side of
Islam. Philosophy tells us that no being from
whowm another being can come out and exist as a
seperate individual and become his equal and partner
can be regarded as perfect. To attribute a son to God
would be to deny the perfection of God.1

The Original Sin
The fourth Christian dogma is that of the Atone-
ment. Christianity declares that by disobeying God’s
order not to eat of the forbidden fruit of knowledge,
Adam sinned. The sin of Adam Is inheritedtd by all
the children of Adam : all human beings are born
sinful. The requirement of God’s justice is that a
price must be paid for every sin. God cannot and
will not allow a single sin to go unpunished.

1.Cf. Bergson, The Creative Evolution, Modren Library, P.16

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