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it must also be false. But let us consider the Chris-
tian scheme of salvation a little further. drop down
or extra live God's Jusfice.
The second part of the Christian doctrine of the
atonement is that God's Justice requires that a price
must be paid for the original and other sins of man.
If God were to pardon a sinner without punshment it
would be a denial of His Justice. The Rev. W. Gold-
sack writes in this connection :
"It should be clear as day light to any one that God
cannot break His own law: He cannot forgive a sin-
ner without first giving him an appropriate punish-
ment. For if He did, so, who would call Him just and
This view shows complete ignorance of the nature
of God. God is not a mere judge or king. He is, as
the Quran describes Him, "Master of the Day of

1.Rev. W. Goldsack, The Atonement, p.5

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