Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

gymnasium sports and exercises are of great value. Physical labor
should also be regarded as a part of healing — relief and healing
often results from gainful labor. One of the finest systems of
physical well-being, if properly taught, is the regular practice of
yoga; stretching exercises. Hatha Yoga is tops in the field.

A well-trained masseur can perform what sometimes seem like
miracles in a most pleasant way by bringing relief to tired, sore,
pained and aching muscles and joints. Massage relaxes tension,
increases circulation, loosens congestions, and stimulates all the
organs and cells of the body. This system is the oldest form of
healing known to man and still today is one of the most effective
ways to better health. Included in scientific massage are the many
forms of reflex massage which, when properly used, can produce
numerous structural changes or corrections and aid in removing
pressures which slow down or depress normal activities in all body
functions. Steam baths, frequently used in conjunction with massage
and physical exercises, are of tremendous benefit as an aid to natural
healing and living. The finest of reflex massage will be completely
explained in this book.

Another form of specialized physical healing which has come
to us down through the ages is the use of herbs. Their properties or
abilities are mainly to supply needed elements which may be
missing as the result of a faulty diet. Some herbs have been used to
loosen congestion, others to aid in the elimination of poisons from

The Blessing

With the increased use of these herbs there naturally developed
specialists desiring to increase their use by packaging and promoting
them as forms of medicine. As medicines thus increased, specialized

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