Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

Now use the thumbs — push forward to a count of 10, with side to
side motion. (No. 48).

Then give an extra pull>upward. (No. 49).

Many people with earphones have been able to hear better without
lave no further need of them. This may be done as often as desired.
The small organs of the inner ear are relieved of pressure and tension
allowing them to function in normal, or near normal fashion. By
working on the entire outer ear by pinching, circulation is increased
over entire body. There are many reflex points on the outer ear and at
the entrance that produce good results all over the body. This is a
quick way to warm up on a cold morning or at any time.

It should be noted that the same reflexes in the collar bone
which relieve conditions in the head above also affect all parts of
the body below in a similar manner. The reflexes to the eyes are the
same as to the stomach. The ear reflexes go to the liver, gall bladder
and parts between and below. Use them to supplement the rest of the

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