Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

the attention by the mind from the senses and its objects.

Dharana is concentration, the fixing or holding of the attention
to one place or object.
Dhyana is contemplation, intense concentration in an unbroken flow
of attention at that place or on that object.
Patahiali described nine varieties of mental samadhi which
culminated finally in a system withdrawal from the physical realm
and enabled the yogin to concentrate his attention within at will. This
is the real and true definition and objective of Patanjali's eight step
Yoga system. He said in the famous Sutra I (2):
"Yoga is the controlof the waves of the mind." The entire
purpose of the original eight limbs of Patahjali was to directly or
indirectly control the mind through continuous self-control and
discipline. The yogin then remained within the natural laws of
physical; emotional, and mental health, which automatically created
a more calm inner environment, raised his vibration level, and
prepared him for meditation. In all eight phases a competent living
teacher was assumed to be necessary.
After this, the yogin began the initial stages of higher spiritual
meditation. At this point the teachings of the Yoga Sutra stop and the
yogin received the technique of spiritual meditation (which always
unwritten) from the living guru of his time. He was taught how to
vacate the body at will to begin the spiritual journey to higher

Gradually, throughout the centuries after Patanjali's work on
Yoga, many fragmentary into vogue. Today we see a dizzying
variety of practices such lay yoga, mantra yoga, skate yoga,
kunddalini yoga, mantra yoga bhakti yoga, mantra yoga, dhyana

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